like-moneyAccording to a newly developed social comparison website Discovery Car Insurance was the top rated car insurance company so far in 2016 amongst Likemoney users.

Likemoney sources SA’s most favored products by doing a social media comparison on the most liked financial products on the market rated by you, the consumer. People with first hand experiences. This way, not only can you compare products with monthly fees and interest rates, but you can find financial institutions that are liked and recommended by a reliable third party source.

Likemoney has been up and running for only 6 months and Discovery Car Insurance is already the top rated car insurance company and the third most liked product on the website. Discovery car insurance is in first place with a total of 166 likes and a five star rating. They are far ahead of their competitors as in second place is Hollard Car Insurance with 50 likes. Followed closely behind Hollard is OUTsurance Car Insunrace with 32 likes and a three star rating. Although OUTsurance car insurance was in the top three, they did although receive very negative reviews from a number of clients.

Erez Atia the director of Likemoney commented on these finding, “At Likemoney, we empower valued consumers with free and easy comparisons which result in choice, convenience and value. Personally i am currently insured with Discovery and i am loving their service. My wife’s car was smashed into while packed and Discovery managed to write the car off. I am forever hearing negative things about OUTsurance but obviously some people are happy with their service as they are rated the third best car insurer on our site.” is fast growing platform with over 4000 registered subscribers. The site provides completely unbiased rated financial products and companies so that consumers can make informed decisions when searching for products.

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