virseker insuranceVirseker Insurance is a product of Auto & General Insurance, catering to the Afrikaans community in South Africa. Their consultants communicate in fluent Afrikaans, making them an efficient go-to insurance company for Afrikaans- speaking clients who will feel comfortable communicating with them.

Virseker Insurance offers reliable car insurance, including cover for caravans, motorcycles, and watercraft.

When it comes to car insurance, three options are offered by Virseker Insurance. These options are Comprehensive cover, Third Party , fire and theft cover, and Third Party Only cover. With Comprehensive cover, the client is provided with the broadest coverage in a variety of circumstances. Examples include if your car is stolen or hijacked and if your car is damaged by fire, hail, storm, lightning or explosions. The Third party, fire, and theft cover option covers you for loss or damages to your car only due to theft, hijacking, fire, lightning or explosions. Finally, Third Part Only insurance covers you if an accident you cause leaves you legally liable to pay for compensation for damages, legal costs or medical expenses. This is the most basic car insurance option available.

With Virseker Insurance, a percentage of your premium goes to the African Virseker Trust, which celebrates the language of Afrikaans.  Virseker Insurance also have a system where they reward you with what is known as a ‘Gatsakbonus’  if you file certain required large claims for a certain period of time.

Virseker Insurance is a relatively new insurance company, but they have big plans for the future and aim to not only provide great service to the Afrikaans community, but to also make a difference.

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Wanneer dit kom by motor versekering, is daar drie opsies wat aangebied word deur Virseker Insurance.

Hierdie opsies is Omvattende dekking , derde party, brand en diefstal , en Derde Party.

Met Omvattende dekking , word die kliënt beskerem teen die breedste verskeidenheid van omstandighede.

Voorbeelde sluit in, as jou motor gesteel of gekaap word of beskadig is deur ‘n brand , hael , storm, weerlig of ontploffing .

Die derde party , brand en diefstal dekking opsie dek jou vir verlies of skade aan jou motor net as gevolg van diefstal , kaping, brand, weerlig of ontploffing .

Ten slotte , Derde Deel versekering dek jou slegs as ‘n ongeluk deur jou veroorsaak was, en jy regtens aanspreeklik is om te betaal vir skadevergoeding , regskoste of mediese uitgawes. Dit is die mees basiese motor versekering opsie beskikbaar .

Met Virseker Insurance , ‘n persentasie van jou premie gaan na die Afrikaanse Virseker Trust , hulle vier die taal van Afrikaans . Virseker Insurance het ook ‘n stelsel waar hulle jou beloon met wat bekend staan as ‘n ‘ Gatsakbonus “as jy eis vir sekere groot eise op n sekere tydperk .

Virseker Insurance is ‘n relatief nuwe versekeringsmaatskappy , maar hulle het groot planne vir die toekoms en streef daarna om nie net ‘n groot diens aan die Afrikaanse gemeenskap nie, maar om ook ‘n verskil maak

Virseker versekering kontakbesonderhede:

Tel: 0861 11 56 48

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4 Responses

  1. Ek is bewus van u pogings om die Afrikaanse taal te bevorder. ‘n Vriend, Deryck Uys, tans 92 en blind, doen steeds wonderlike werk in Afrikaans. Hy het al 37 Shakespeare werke in Afrikaans vertaal, asook Omar Khayyam en ander belangrike werke. Hy skryf steeds gereeld Sonnette. Ek wil graag toesien dat hy die nodige eer verdien.
    Ek verneem graag van u of u hom kan bystaan om sy werk te publiseer.
    Vriendelike groete,

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